Vegies and Juice Optimal Nutrition
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DASH to Health II continues where DASH to Health I leaves off, delving deeper into how health, well-being and weight management are influenced by more than just food. Learn how physical, social, environmental and emotional factors impact our efforts towards better health and weight loss.

DASH to Health includes:

  • Keys to Successful Weight Management for the Long Term
  • How health and weight management is impacted by our sleep, hormones, environment and emotions.
  • Knowing when it’s time to stop eating, mindful eating and the art of recognizing hunger and fullness.
  • Understanding the phenomenon of “plateauing” when trying to lose weight.
  • Learn the myths, facts, benefits and consequences of supplementation.  Are supplements necessary and if so, how do you choose them?
  • How to make recipe modifications and easy substitutions when preparing your favorite dishes.
  • Determining whether organic food is really worth it.