Vegies and Juice Optimal Nutrition
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We Can! is an interactive, hands-on, 6-part series for parents and caregivers of children and adolescents that covers the basics of helping families make healthier food choices, become more physically active, reduce screen time and help children maintain or achieve a healthy weight.  We Can! is a public education program from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) designed to address the epidemic of overweight and obesity in our children and decrease their risk of disease by providing parents with educational materials and tools to encourage a healthier lifestyle for their families. 

Included in the course:

  • Hands-on activities designed to help parents model healthy eating and physical activity behaviors.
  • Understanding the core concept of “energy balance” or long-term balance between ENERGY IN (calories from food) and ENERGY OUT (calories burned).
  • Ideas for increasing physical activity as a family and reducing sedentary behaviors such as screen time.
  • Concepts and techniques that provide life-long skills and behavior modification tools to enhance the health and well being of the family. 
  • Taste testing of healthy and convenient snacks and beverages that provide an alternative to high fat and sugar-sweetened snack products.
  • Label reading techniques that enable parents to make healthier food choices.
  • Understanding how portion size and serving size can affect weight control.
  • The latest scientific, evidenced-based health and nutrition information and take-home resources.
  • Ideas for fast yet healthy meals.
  • How to handle setbacks and stay motivated to maintain a healthy weight for life.

Contact for more information.


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Related Links
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
Arizona Nutrition Network
My Pyramid
Kids Health
Keep Kids Healthy
Ahwatukee Pediatrics
High Cholesterol in Children
Childhood Obesity


  Photo © Paul Kuhn
  Photo © Paul Kuhn
  Photo © Paul Kuhn